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6 Remarkable Women in Art and Design

As the saying goes, “women hold up half of the sky,” the same can be said for the art and design space. The list of exciting creative innovations championed by women is expanding more than ever before, and the industry is better for it

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By Palesa Kgasane | March 8, 2022 | Design

This International Women’s Day we’re celebrating inspiring South African women creatives whose work transcends their various fields, connecting with people through the metaverse and beyond.

Anico Mostert

Anico is a multi-disciplinary artist who creates paintings characterized by depictions of every day life, the quiet moments where we simply exist. Through vivid colours, she brings to life characters and objects frozen in time, evocative paintings whose beauty is laden in its comforting familiarity.

Anico Mostert, Between my Heart and my Head, 2022

Rharha Nembard

Rharha is an artist and creative director whose intuitive approach to creating has birthed myriad of of successful projects across disciplines. Through her work she interrogates the status quo, shifting the gaze that saturates the lives of women of colour with stereotypes and limitations. She’s a non-conformist whose power stems from making otherness, a thing of glory.

Rharha Nembard x Gemma Shepherd, Genesis, 2022

Karabo Poppy

Illustrator, graphics designer and street artist Karabo Poppy captures the zeitgeist of African culture with a distinctly bold style that’s as forward as it is nostalgic. With brands like Google, Coca-Cola and Nike in her portfolio, Karabo has carved out a unique space in the industry where she can narrate her identity whilst collaborating with some of the biggest institutions in the world.

Karabo Poppy commissioned for Odd Bins, 2019

Lumama Wolf

Beyond the sheer aesthetic appeal of Lulama’s work is an important message about discovering the self, ancestry and the ways in which we find meaning while we traverse these states. Lulama effortlessly translates her perspective through abstract paintings that feature black figures and “the eye” as a symbol throughout.

Lulama Wolf, Umkhulu, 2021

Jade Paton

Jade Paton is a sculptor who handmakes ceramic vessels that are part art and part design pieces. It’s not difficult to see why her namesake brand has garnered so much success over the years amongst interior designers and art lovers. Her quirky, stylish creations are a result of labour of love and are brilliantly uncomplicated and contemporary making them popular in South Africa and beyond.

Jade Paton Ceramic vessels

Naledi Modupi

Naledi Tshegofatso Modupi combines semi-abstract portraiture with line work and shapes to birth bold artworks inspired by the beauty of blackness. Her primary mode of expression is digital illustration however, she often transitions into traditional mediums staying true to her perspective of telling the stories of Black women with ease and authenticity.

Mo Modupi, Pieces of Me