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Recipe: Non-churn Mango Frozen Dessert

As one of the world’s most popular fruits, mangoes contain many important ingredients that are beneficial to our health

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By Lutho Pasiya | March 16, 2021 | Recipes

Picture: Supplied

Dietitian, nutritionist, and spokesperson of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Isabel Maples says that there’s a big health push to enjoy more plant-based foods. That doesn’t mean giving up animal foods but, instead, balancing your plant with more fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans, peas and so on. Mangoes are a great way to add flavour and eating enjoyment to a healthier diet.

The South African Mango Growers’ Association has shared below a delicious recipe for an ice cream dessert you can try.

Modern refrigeration and the wonderful invention of no-churn ice cream make the frozen treat an easy and quick option for all. And as much as the taste of mangoes can create a delightful tropical experience and enjoyment for your taste buds, there is an array of health benefits mango has to offer. They delivers a healthy dose of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes to benefit health, and detailing some of the health benefits of eating mangoes, Maples says some people call mangoes a super fruit.

“Technically, the term “super-fruits” has no standard definition but is frequently used in marketing. Certainly, though mangoes are an excellent choice for a healthier diet. And, as a registered dietitian, I’d call them 'nutrient rich", she said.

No churn mango nice-cream (dairy-free)

Serves: 4


3 large mangoes, peeled and cut into chunks

3 large bananas, very ripe, peeled, and frozen in advance


Make the nice-cream one day before you plan to serve it.

Combine the ingredients in a food processor and whizz until smooth. Spoon into a zip lock bag and lay flat and squeeze as much air out as possible. Freeze overnight. The next day remove it from the freezer bag and whizz in the food processor until all the chunks are broken up (it will look like soft-serve).

Place in a freezer container and freeze again until serving.